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Previd\ueancias dos trabalhadores dos setores p\ufablico e privado e desigualdade no Brasil

机译:previd \ ueancias dos trabalhadores dos setores p \ ufablico e privado e desigualdade no Brasil



The study examines a particular set of institutional determinants of inequality, the public pensions. It tests the hypothesis that different rules regarding a maximum limit for the value of benefits in the pension subsystem of public and private sector workers makes the system as a whole regressive and contributes disproportionately to inequality in Brazil. Using a factor decomposition of the Gini coefficient of the distribution of family per capita income, as measured by POF 2008-2009 it concludes that the State reproduces pre-existing inequalities when it differentiates rules for public and private sector workers. Due to this differentiation of rules, the higher value pensions of less than 1% of the population contributes to 4% of total inequality.
机译:该研究考察了不平等的一系列特殊制度决定因素,即公共养老金。它检验了以下假设:关于公共和私营部门工人的养老金子系统中的福利价值的最大限制的不同规则使该系统从整体上回归,并导致了巴西的不平等。使用POF 2008-2009测算的家庭人均收入分配的基尼系数的因子分解,得出的结论是,国家在区分公共和私营部门工人的规则时,再现了先前存在的不平等。由于规则的这种差异,不到总人口的1%的高价值养老金占总不平等的4%。



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